February 2020 Newsletter: Parenting & Child Development

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One of the great joys of being overnight summer camp directors is that we get to dig into fascinating topics within the field of child and youth development.  New articles and books are continually being published on youth development, parenting, neuroscience, and sociology that contain key insights to help us meet our goal.  And we want to share with you some resources we hope you will find useful as you navigate the maze of parenting and raising happy, healthy children.

Tina Payne Bryson’s The Power of Showing Up  Released earlier this month, The Power of Showing Up is an exceptional resource on the interconnected topics of empathy, neuroscience, and parenting.  Dr. Tina Payne Bryson is a pediatric and adolescent psychotherapist and the Founder and Executive Director of The Center for Connection in Pasadena, California. She is also the co-author with Daniel J. Siegel, MD of the New York Times bestsellers The Whole-Brain Child, No-Drama Discipline, and The Yes Brain.  

Scott and I thoroughly enjoyed hearing Tina Payne Bryson speak at a summer camp conference last year and can’t recommend her work highly enough.  Her extensive experience with children, teens, parents, and educators and the lively stories she shared helped us learn more about what happens in our children’s brains as they develop. 

Book Giveaway! Would you like a FREE copy of The Power of Showing Up?  Just be one of the first 10 parents to email Lisa@HighSierraCamp.com and ask for a copy!  

If reading one more book is too much of a time commitment, Dr. Bryson has some Ted Talks on the topic of the Yes Brain.  If you have just 5 minutes, check out the start of the interview between Dr. Bryson and ParentWiser.

And if you find that you have more time to listen to books and podcasts than time to read, check out the Sunshine Parenting podcast.  We’ve really enjoyed colleague Audrey Monke’s podcast.  Audrey also has a new book out: Happy Campers, 9 Summer Camp Secrets for Raising Kids Who Become Thriving Adults.